Children’s Book Recommendations
1. Salt in His Shoes: This is about Michael Jordan; how persistence and hard work led to his success.
2. Freedom on the Menu: This story is about the Greensboro Sit-ins and how an 8-yr old made a difference.
3. Through My Eyes: This is a book about segregation that is written by Ruby Bridges.
4. Martin’s Big Words: This biography of Martin Luther King Jr. includes many of King’s own words and is written in a way that children can understand and appreciate.
5. The Oprah Winfrey Story: This is a great story of a girl that is born into a very poor family and how she becomes one of the most influential people in the world.
6. Fly High!: The Story of Bessie Coleman: This is a story about how dedication and hard work led to Bessie Coleman becoming the first African-American to get a pilot’s license.
7. Amazing Grace: This is a great story about becoming who you want to be despite what others say!
8. Of Thee I Sing: This is a letter written by our first African-American president to his daughters.
9. If a Bus Could Talk: This is a simple book about Rosa Parks and the bus boycotts.
10. White Socks Only: This is the precious story of a black girl who believes she can drink from the white-only water fountains because she is wearing white socks.
11. Freedom Summer: This is a story of a white boy and a black boy who become the best of friends.
12. Henry’s Freedom Box: This book is a true story from the Underground Railroad about a boy trying to figure out who he is.