Greetings Pilgrim Men,

We will be hosting the MN State Baptist Laymen’s Workshop & Worship.  The Layman’s Auxiliary represents the organized Baptist manpower in our church. All men are automatically members of this group when they become members of their local church.

  • The Goals of the Minnesota State Baptist Convention Laymen’s Auxiliary are:

  • To provide for the development of local and district Laymen’s groups.

  • To establish moral, spiritual and financial support to the Senior Pastors

  • To provide for the spiritual growth of the Men of our churches

  • To provide assistance, exemplary leadership as Men of God and mentors to our young boys.

Again, we are linking our Annual Pilgrim Men’s Day activities with the MN State Baptist Convention Laymen Auxiliary – Two Workshop classes (“Why as Black Men, We Do What We Do” and “Biblical Commitment of Men.”) will be on Sat. Sept. 28, and Worship on Sept. 29, 2024. The Theme is very relevant: “Accountability.”

Below is the MN State Baptist Convention Laymen flyer with all the information. Pilgrim will host the Sept. 29th afternoon – 3:30 pm service too. We are looking forward to continued growth and stronger participation, as we Praise, Learn and Live in God’s Word!

Let’s reach out & invite any brothers missing from this email thread to join our fellowship.

Brothers James Robinson & Nate Galloway