Below are several ways to give in addition to giving by check, credit card or cash. Please consider one or more of the options below:
If you are considering making a gift to Pilgrim Baptist Church, we invite you to explore the following tax-advantaged opportunities:
Standardized Deduction
If you plan to take the standardized deduction when you file your taxes, consider the $300 above the line tax deduction that the CARES Act passed in March of last year, provided to individuals who support charitable organizations such as Pilgrim. The limit is $300 whether you file as an individual or married and file jointly.
Gains In The Financial Market
If you have experienced gains in the financial markets in this or previous years, consider donating appreciated securities to Pilgrim to avoid paying capital gains taxes.
Members Age 70 1/2 Or Older
For our members, specifically those who are age 70 1/2 or older, consider making a tax-free gift to Pilgrim through a Qualified Charitable Donation directly from your IRA that helps in supporting Pilgrim and keeping you in compliance with annual IRS RMD requirements.
Tax Benefits and a Guaranteed Income Stream
If you are interested in tax benefits and a guaranteed income stream, consider a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust as part of your gifting strategy.
Receive an Immediate Tax Benefit
If you would like to make a gift to Pilgrim or other charitable organizations and receive an immediate tax benefit (but are still deciding what organization to support), consider creating a Donor Advised Fund in partnership with your investment organization.
For more information, reach out to the church directly at (651) 227-3220 to learn more about being a financial steward. We may be able to assist you in determining what strategies are best for you and your family.
Thank you for support of Pilgrim and its ministries and be assured of our prayers for you and your family.
Pilgrim Baptist Church Finance Committee