Pilgrim Baptist Church Annual Meeting
Thursday January 27, 2022 7:00 PM

The Annual Meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual format, so that PBC members can attend in person or online.

Due to our limited technical resources, all PBC members are encouraged to attend the meeting in person if possible. Please be assured that all mask and social distance guidelines will be followed for members attending the meeting in person.

Instructions For Online Participants


  • All participants are required to register 24 hours prior to the meeting.
  • Participants will need to use their Name, Email, and phone number to register.
  • Once you are registered, a link to the meeting will be sent to your email address.

Note: Persons attending the meeting in-person need not register for the virtual meeting.


  • All participants are required to use the same computer or phone that was used to register.
  • This device gives the host the information needed to authenticate the participant.
  • Once verified then the host will grant access to the meeting.

Register Now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvf-ivrzIpHNYl6EK9GZwxYjZH9uSvGYMy


  • The microphones for all virtual participants are muted during the meeting.
  • To ask a question, you will need to select the CHAT feature at the bottom of your Zoom screen and type “I HAVE A QUESTION”.
  • During the first opportunity for questions, the host will then unmute your mic and invite you to share your question with the congregation.
  • Note: All questions will be taken in order and the number of questions will be limited due to the available time.


  • During the meeting there will be several issues that we’ll be voting on.
  • To conduct the polling, the host will launch a single choice or a multiple-choice ballot.
  • The ballot should appear at the center of your screen.
  • If you are using a cell phone to access the meeting then your ballot may appear on a hidden screen, which you’ll have to navigate to.
  • Once you make your selection then hit the “Submit” button, your vote will then be recorded.
  • Voting results will not be anonymous.

You cooperation during this event is greatly appreciated,
Thank You