Community Garden

Community Garden

Come grow with us at

We have a space for you at Pilgrim’s Community Garden!

Our mission over the last 11 years, is to build a garden community to grow food and flowers together, share gardening techniques and recipes. This is a great opportunity for positive social interaction with church members & neighborhood folks. And with the help of some new partners: Department of Natural Resources, Renewing the Countryside, Great River Greening, the Urban Farm & Garden Alliance, Ramsey County Master Gardeners, University of Minnesota Engineers Without Borders, Landscape Architecture Graduate Students and Maxfield Elementary School Students; Pilgrim’s Community Garden will be transformed before our next growing season. We will increase our tree canopy with a fruit trees orchard and add handicap accessible pathways, garden boxes and more park benches.

Have questions? Contact: Nate Galloway, Pilgrim’s Garden Coordinator

PBC Founder’s Day and Musical

Pilgrim Baptist Church will celebrate 155 years of service to our Lord and Savior the weekend of June 23-24, 2018. The observance of the church formation is known as Founder’s Day.

The Founder’s Day celebration will commence with a musical fundraiser on Saturday, June 23 featuring Thomasina Petrus who is a premier vocalist and actress. Kim Crisler will grace us with selections on Pilgrim’s historic M. P. Moller Pipe Organ. Kim performs organ music in the genres of Gospel, Classical, and Theatre.

155th Founder’s Day Musical Event

Saturday, June 23,  2018

732 West Central Avenue

Saint Paul, MN 55104

Adult Ticket: $25.00

Youth 18 years -13 years: $15.00

Children: $8.00

A reception and silent auction will follow the musical.

For more information about the Musical, Please call Tori Richardson-Hill 612-578-1321 or Althea Rupert 651-343-5020

The Founder’s Day celebration will culminate with the morning worship service on Sunday June 24 at 9:45 A.M. The guest speaker for the service will be the Rev. Dr. Elliott Cuff. Dr. Cuff is the senior pastor of the Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church in Woodlawn, Ohio. He is known as a visionary leader. Dr. Cuff also serves as the Dean of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education for the National Baptist Convention. Dr. Cuff is a graduate of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the New York Theological Seminary, where he earned the Master of Divinity Degree, and the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio where he earned the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Social Justice Preaching.

All are invited to attend this joyous celebration!


Pilgrim Baptist Church closed for all Sunday Services on April 15, 2018

Pilgrim Baptist Church closed for all Sunday Services on April 15, 2018

Based upon the weather reports regarding Snowstorm Xanto, the temporary closing of MSP Airport, blizzard conditions, and that we are beyond the contract season for church snow removal, I think it best to close Pilgrim Baptist Church tomorrow for Sunday Morning and the Afternoon Worship Services for the Annual Ushers’ Day to protect all who might experience harm or danger in route to worship.

We may not have updated information for all, so please pass it on to our church family.

Pastor Charles L. Gill