Make your Give to the Max Day gift today!

For 154 years, Pilgrim Baptist Church of St. Paul has shared Christ’s message of love through preaching, teaching, worship, prayer and community outreach.

Pilgrim is raising funds to support the church’s ministries, to enhance youth initiatives and to help maintain the aging church facility.

Give to the Max Day is Thursday, November 16, 2017. However, funds may be donated from November 1 – 16.

Pilgrim has received a commitment of a $10,000 match. This means that Pilgrim must raise at least $10,000 to receive the matching funds. To give online, go to

For each donation to Pilgrim on the website from November 1 – 16, Pilgrim will be entered into a random prize drawing for prizes of $500, $1,000 and $10,000. Please consider making multiple donations to increase Pilgrim’s chance of winning a prize!

You may also go to and select the Give to the Max link, you may give during the Sunday morning worship service or mail donations to Pilgrim Baptist Church at the address below.

Please Give to the Max early and often!


Pilgrim Baptist Church | 732 Central Avenue W. | Saint Paul, MN 55104 | 651-227-3220

Pilgrim is the church where the “Walk of Faith Transforms Lives